Metre for an update along my campaign to become an insulin pumper.  Ouch. Traumatic experience dealing with Blue Shield, so far.  Enormous amount of time spent explaining to perfect strangers — from the HR reps at my husband's company to various "reimbursement managers" to a troop of officials at Blue Shield (forthwith to be referred to equally 'BS') itself — why I ought to get medical reportage for a life-sustaining device that my doctors feature been recommending for nearly quartet years.  Very humbling.

"You see, since the day I was diagnosed, my doctors take up been telling me that I'd embody the perfect candidate for the pump. I'd perplex improved control of my diabetes, and therefore achieve wagerer health outcomes in the semipermanent bunk.  But information technology was ME who resisted. I didn't want around appliance hanging off my body.  But now in that location's a new, wireless system that will help me keep in line my diabetes without the tubing…"

My God, it's non as if this were a cosmetic postulation!  Do you think I'd wear a Pod full of liquid attached to my Bod if I didn't perfectly accept to?  Information technology's not like I'm asking for a nose job here.

Some time back in November I got my starting time rejection, supposedly connected the basis that "continuous glucose monitoring is still experimental therapy." WtF?  Do they not even know the difference between a glucose monitor and an insulin pump over there?  Then I patterned it was a retarded mixup with the request for reimbursement that Dexcom (makers of the wireless CGM system I'm now using exclusively occasionally) had placed on my behalf months ago; I had long since granted au courant seeing any of that money again.

Got my endo to contact the Medical checkup Reviewer over at SB to crystalise that up, only my doctor was told that wasn't the genuine reason for rejection at all: it was a cost-effectiveness issue, subsequently all. Hmm, pump to prevent atrociously high-ticket complications of diabetes too expensive for them in the short-term? We've all detected that story before.

Scorn the fact that at to the lowest degree a twelve other patients in California have managed to established BS coverage for the OmniPod, the reviewer assigned to my case was (is?) all the same under the traitorously belief that handed-down pumps are more cost-effective for the health plan.  Insulet (makers of the OP) assure Maine that this is hogwash.

Nearly jumped out of my shin on Friday when I received a BS letter stating that I'd been approved for a "textbook insulin pump."  Simply wait right a minute… what do they mean aside "canonical"??  Sure as shootin the careful employment of that term was meant to exclude the OmniPod…?

Seems so so.  The Insulet liaison assures me that this varsity letter — inexplicably — is probably meant to uphold the pilot denial. Aargh!!

OK, yes. I could purchase the social unit on my own out of pocket.  Just my thick and wide experience haggling with health insurance policy providers tells Pine Tree State that once you've really freelance for something yourself, trying to aim them to pay you back for information technology is like… well… pulling dentition, without anesthesia, over a period of time of several geezerhood. (I was still trying to reclaim the money for my first C-section after I'd well from my second i).

Not only that, but I've talked it over with my husband, and we agree: IT might be all aright for U.S. to erect our own money to buy the OmniPod arrangement, if it's still considered so new as to be semi-experimental.  Only we need some confidence that the insulin pods will be covered active presumptuous, as that will become my life-sustaining insulin source!  Whether the insurance policy pays for insulin in cartridges that check into an injectant pen, operating theater in pods that heart the stuff into ME directly through my skin shouldn't actually be overmuch skin off their olfactory organ, ay?

** SIGH ** (That was a loud one)  I once thought I might have my OmniPod past Christmas.  Then I reset expectations to Valentine's Day. Right away it looks like President's Day will personify a stretch.  Feast of the Unleavened Bread power be skillful symbolism.  Crabbed your potholed fingers for Pine Tree State, will you all?